Ozg Impex Consultant
Ozg Center, Ahmedabad, New Delhi, Mumbai
Phone # 0091-98.114.15831-37-61-72-84-92-94
After successful login
using ECOM application module through
Digital Certificate on DGFT website,
exporter will select the SCOMET
Application Module.
This is the first
screen that is displayed when the exporter clicks on the SCOMET online link. In
this there are three options in the menu bar- File, Query and Administrator

Reference Message Box
the File menu option select the Create option,then the following message box will appear.
will show the 20 digit ECOM Reference
will then click the OK button

When the OK button is clicked on the above ECOM Reference Number Message box the
following screen will appear
This is the Master screen.The user must enter all the

In the above screen,
enter the
Telephone No.
Fax details
Email (1) and Email(2)
Under the shipping details heading, enter the Port of Loading/shipment from the dropdown box.
Enter the Port of Discharge.
Select from the dropdown list box the “country to which item is to be exported”,
the ultimate Destination country and
the Purpose of export.
Enter the From Date and To-date
under the heading “Period during which
item is to be exported” in the DD/MM/YYYY
Select the Jurisdictional Regional Authority from the dropdown list box and by
default it is New Delhi (DGFT headquarters).
Finally click the save button to save your details.
Now you can select from
the options given on the right side.
of Export Screen
When the user
clicks on the Item of Export button,
following screen will be displayed

the screen above,
Enter ITC (HS) code (if available ).
Select the SCOMET category from the dropdown box.
Enter the SCOMET Item No., Name
and Description of Item(s) to be
After that enter the Item Quantity.
Select the Unit of Measurement (UOM) from the dropdown box,
Enter FOB in Rupees, FOB in USD
and FOB in relevant Foreign Currency.
Ozg Impex Consultant
Ozg Center, Ahmedabad, New Delhi, Mumbai
Phone # 0091-98.114.15831-37-61-72-84-92-94
Office Timing: Mon - Sat, 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. IST
Email: ask@impexconsultant.com
Book Appointment Online @ ozgcenter.org/appointment
Join Ozg Impex Page @ fb.com/impex.ozg.in
Watch Ozg Impex TV @ impex.ozg.tv
the user has already applied for export on Repeat
Basis in the same licensing year for same product, same end use and to the
same end user then he has to check
in the repeat basis check box and he will enter the File no, File date, License no., License date, Quantity
allowed for Export and the Quantity
Exported for export and its UOM
from the dropdown box.
If the exporter needs to enter another
record on the same screen then they first have to click on the CLEAR button and then they can enter
another record. After filling all the required entries, it is required to click
on the add button again.
If the exporter wishes to modify his/her
data then they first have to select the required option from the list box and
then make changes in the desired field and finally will click on the UPDATE button.
Click on the DELETE button to delete a record which will remove the concerned
record from the list box
Click on the CLOSE Button if you want to close the above screen
Please note:
The fields that
are marked by the Star (*) Symbol are mandatory.
Do not copy and
paste in the text boxes as some special characters might be added.
Export Screen
is the Second option on the Master Screen. The Exporter will enter desired
values and can Add/Update etc. as per his/her requirements. In this the
exporter will enter the details of exports of SCOMET Items in the preceding 3
licensing years.

In this screen,
Enter the Previous export year from the drop
down box.
Enter the File No. and Date.
Enter the License No. and Date
Enter the Quantity
exported and
Select the issuing
regional authority, country to which exported, SCOMET category from the dropdown list
Enter the SCOMET Item No. and then Name
and Description of export Item. Here
Name of Export Item is a mandatory field.
Date format should be DD/MM/YYYY)
When the user clicks on
the Foreign Buyer button on the Master Screen a message box will appear
informing that details of each one Foreign Buyer, Consignee and End user are
to be filled separately.

soon as ok button is clicked the
following screen will appear. Exporter has to fill details in each one of the
following screens that is he has to fill details in foreign Buyer, consignee
and end user dialogs. The user can select the user type from the drop down box given on the screen.
Exporter can
fill in the details of all the three options as per his requirements.
If the exporter
selects the Foreign Buyer option, then the following screen will appear.

this he has to first enter the Name.
the address heading he has to fill the
required fields and then can select the Country
from the dropdown box.
again under the Telephone details
heading, Telephone No.1 which is
marked on asterisk(*) for the first record is
mandatory, Telephone No.2 and Fax details are optional.
that fill in the Export order no.
and the Date of Export order number.
If the Exporter
selects the option Consignee Details.

In this he has to enter Name,
Full address and the Telephone/Fax details.
user Details Screen
the user selects the option End User Detail, the following screen will appear.

the above screen all the details appearing in the Foreign Buyer, Consignee
details screen are same except the ones that are marked in rectangle as shown
in the above screen.
Exporter will enter the
End product and purpose of export for which the item of export will be utilized. He
has to select from the dropdown box that the end user is not an entity of government of the destination
country. Exporter has to specify his mode
of activity i.e. is he a manufacturer, business man or specify if others
Details Screen
Click on the Bank Details button on master screen
and fill in all the details.

In this screen Exporter
under the destination Country Bank address has to fill the I BAN (International Bank
Account Number) and the SWIFT Code (Society for Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunication), is a unique identification code of the particular
Again under the India Bank address heading exporter needs to
give the IFSC Code(Indian Financial System Code). All banks have their
unique IFSC Codes.
The fields marked in asterisk (*) are mandatory.)
Details Screen
In this option he has
to enter the IEC code, Name and his full address.

(In case he has to enter another
record he will have to press clear button first then after doing the data entry
will click the Add Button)
After filling all the details exporter
will press the declaration button on the main screen where he will fill his Name, Official Address and the Telephone
details. He will select the country from the dropdown box.

Document Screen
the user will click on the Upload
Document Button the following pop-up will appear. After reading this he will then click on ok button.

After clicking on the ok button on the
previous pop-up, a new box will open and the exporter will have to check on
items he/she wants to upload.

After this Exporter will
click on the Upload Document button
where he/she can see the uploaded document in the list.
all the online Licensing applications there is a Attachment of Documents Button on the main dialog of any Licensing
module. On selecting this button following dialog will appear

Click the Upload
Documents Button as
on the left side of the above dialog when the Document/File
Sign and Upload dialog will
appear on a new page.

Select the Browse Button as on the right hand side Browse Button
you click the browse button the Choose dialog will appear as

the required file that you have to attach and press the Open button.
path of the file will automatically appear as given from your local system in
the File text box. Enter the subject name in the subject text box option.
(Please Note :The
maximum size of the file to be attached should be note more than 500KB)
the Document Sign Button at the bottom of the Document/File Sign and Upload
dialog at the when following Sign File dialog will box will appear as follows:

When you Click
the OK Button the following dialog with the
status will appear as follows.

case you want to attach another document click Yes Button and give the path of the file.
Likewise repeat the above process for attaching other files.
(Please Note: You can scan the document before
attaching. The files with extension of type .doc, .exe, .bmp is not allowed . If the files with extension of type other than
.txt,.rtf,.htm,.html is attached the following message
box will appear.)

Ozg Impex Consultant
Ozg Center, Ahmedabad, New Delhi, Mumbai
Phone # 0091-98.114.15831-37-61-72-84-92-94
Office Timing: Mon - Sat, 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. IST
Email: ask@impexconsultant.com
Note: To visit at any Ozg Center, an appointment is required.
Book Appointment Online @ ozgcenter.org/appointment
Join Ozg Impex Page @ fb.com/impex.ozg.in
Watch Ozg Impex TV @ impex.ozg.tv